Sunday, November 1, 2009

Microsoft gets hands on domain name

Microsoft,the United States-based multinational computer technology corporation has recently won a domain name case against Nicolas Zanoni.

Microsoft submitted a complaint to the National Arbitration Forum ,on September 15, 2009,requesting the domain name to be transferred from the respondent to the complainant .
It is more than obvious that the disputed domain name is confusingly similar to its trademark.Microsoft is the owner of many registered "MSN" marks all over the world .
Moreover,the the company contended that the respondent registered and used the disputed domain name in bad faith .
"Complainant alleges that Respondent is using the disputed domain name to directly compete with Complainant by offering gaming software through the resolving website. The Panel finds that Respondent’s registration and use of the domain name to operate a website in direct competition with Complainant constitutes a disruption of Complainant’s business and qualifies as bad faith registration and use."
It is believed that the respondent , Nicolas Zanoni used the domain name "intentionally attract Internet users to its website by creating a strong likelihood of confusion with Complainant’s MSN mark."
Because the respondent failed to submit a response in this proceeding and because the complainant managed to demonstrate all the elements required,the Panel decided the disputed domain name , to be transferred from the respondent to the complainant.

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